FIRESTORM Yellow JPX 4 Shot LE Defender Pepper Gun with Laser

PiexonSKU : JPX4LE01-2


Best Proven Applications :

Personal self defense security solution that offers non-lethal protection while keeping you safe with distance
Fires out a powerful pepper spray at 590 FPS (feet per second) up to 45 feet
Law Enforcement and Civilian Use - No license or registration required

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The JPX 4 Shot pepper gun is a great personal self defense security solution that offers non-lethal protection while keeping you safe. The pepper gun holds 4 separate pepper spray canisters that you can fire in less then five seconds. The OC Pepper is extremely hot non-lethal protection against all types of dangers and assaults. 

  • Police-grade pepper spray gun Looks and works just like a real gun
  • Easy to carry in and is allowed most places guns aren't
  • Fires out a powerful pepper spray at 590 FPS (feet per second)
  • Formula made of 10% OC with 2.4% capsaicinoid content
  • Quadruple-action pyrotechnic firing trigger with automatic switch over for rapid firing
  • Disables attackers at least 45 minutes
  • Causes extreme burning sensation to skin, eyes, nose, throat and lungs
  • Superior to tear gas even on attackers under the influence of drugs
  • Self-cleaning pepper rounds in each magazine prevents build-ups and blockage
  • Reloadable unit uses for 4 individual canisters (refills available, see accessories)
  • Light weight at 12 oz. empty and 20 oz. full
  • Built-in sites and laser target for accurate firing
  • Use both indoors and outdoors with little to no cross contamination
  • Construction is waterproof
  • No batteries to charge
  • Safe temperature range is -5 F° thru 176 F°

Once you put the laser light on the target, highly likely the danger will go away. Should the danger continue towards you, fire the pepper gun as needed that will result with the danger being stooped in their tracks! 

To reiterate, statistics show more then 97% of all dangers go the other direction and want nothing to do with you or the pepper gun being aimed at their direction.

If you are searching for the ideal self defense product to carry in your car,  your purse, backpack or just about anywhere,  this Piexon Firestorm pepper gun will meet all of your needs.

Important: The minimal distance to the target should be no less then 5 feet when shooting the Piexon Pepper Gun.

1 JPX 4 Compact
1 Gun Case

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